Rebecca Beardsley

Rebecca is the founder of Untitled & Co, paving the way for women to thrive in life and business.  A speaker, facilitator, coach and mentor – Rebecca is committed to leveraging her own lived experiences, combined with her 30 years’ professional experience as a business development and marketing specialist to achieve evolutionary impact. 

Each day, Rebecca works with people and organisations to help them grow and shine in all that they do. Powerfully and with purpose. Bec enjoys connecting people and ideas with intention and is recognized by those she works with for her problem-solving capabilities and her highly creative and strategic approach to all she does.  Nothing in life is too challenging for Rebecca. 

She speaks openly about her journey of overcoming extreme adversity, having experienced corporate burnout and domestic abuse – physically, emotionally and financially in her life to a partner with addiction for more than two decades. In 2021 amidst the COVID lockdown, Rebecca took bold steps to redesign her life – finalizing the dissolution of her marriage, becoming a proud Australian citizen, ending her corporate career and single-handedly moving interstate with her two children – a deliberate and brave move to shift from surviving to thriving. 

Rebecca is now a solo mum, a business owner and an active advocate for women.